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A successful Book Fair.

From September 21st up to the 23rd there was the book fair in Murcia which was missing for the last ten years. This one was the 16th, and Esperanto had no stand there, but I helped with MCRC Editions. This is the acronym for Citizens' Movement for Constitutional Re­public, so in English it should be CMCR.

Book Fair in Murcia after ten years without itj

The relation of this stand, number 11, and even the fair itself, with Espe­ran­to, was really only me.

On the photo you can see the member of CMCR German Be­teta and I, who am showing the mas­ter­work by Antonio Gar­cía-Tre­vi­jano Forté, A Pure Theory of De­mo­cracy, which I ad­vis­e you to read, on which I will publish a review in our next issue, and a short novel of mine,¡Viva la Repúbica! Long Live the Republic!, which you already read in our pages in Esperanto.

That writer, who died last February 28th, defends in his works that in Spain, and also in the rest of Europe, there is no democracy, but we could make it if we manage to create and adopt a really democratic constitution. From his books I got the ideas which I defend in the political articles here, because they are only logical.

Passers by asked us interesting questions on our books, curious at the poster which we set up on the right wall of our stand, quoting Plato: Not caring for politics costs us to be ruled by the worst men. And also our four questions: 1 Why we have a president we did not chose? 2 What is the origin of corruption? 3 What's your representative called?, and 4 What is collective freedom? And the main question: Do you have an answer for these questions?

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