Notebooks from the South
Number 100
th ~ July 2018
- President: Juan Antonio Cabezos Martínez.
- Editor: Jesuo de las Heras Jiménez. Email.
- Supervisor: Jozefo Pina Tuells. Email.
- Join HALE for just €10 per year to get the paper
version of our magazine. Failure to do so on time can mean
lose an issue or more.
- You can join using the account ES61 2038 3123 4460
0007 9941.
- Write your name and the year you are paying and then
send it to our
- You can also protect our magazine by making a donation
into our account, if you intend to help and not get the
paper version.
Further remarks.-
- The unsigned articles are written by the editor.
- You can copy the contents provided that you credit the
- The concerning authors, and not the editor, are
responsible for the content of the articles.
- We are not discussing unrequested articles, though we
will try to publish every intersting article the content
of which misterat no prerson.
- This magazine is created and managed by means of free
Linux and MacOS applications:: Scribus,
LibreOffice, Bluefish,
BlueGriffon, GIMP,
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