En Esperanto. |
En espaņol |
Let me also express in the name of all of you my thanks to the organizers of this congress, the generous Swiss esperantists who have worked so tirelessly for the last year, founding in practically all the Swiss cities Esperanto groups and who so diligently did everything they could to prepare our congress; to the Central Providing Organizing Committee who, above all in the person of their President, worked with so much energy and took care so diligently of the arrangements; and last, but not least, thanks to all those unknown friends who by means to their generous contribution to the Central Office gave a solid ground for more important jobs.
Ladies and Gentlemen!
At the opening of our congress you expect a special speech, perhaps something official, something nonchalant, pale and unsatisfying, like ordinary official speeches. But I cannot give you that address. I don't like such dissertations, but specially now, in the present year, this kind of colorless speech would be a great sin from my part. I come from a land where many millions of people are fighting with difficulty for their freedom, for the most elementary and human liberty, for the rights of man. However, I cannot talk about that, since while particular persons you all are following the difficult fight in the great crowded country, however as esperantists that fight cannot touch you, and our congress has nothing to do with political affairs. But besides the political conflict, in that land it is being made something that we, as esperantists, cannot fail to treat: in that land we see a cruel battle among the peoples. There is no attack from a man from a country to that from another because of purely political interests of the fatherland -there are natural children from the same country attacking like fierce beasts natural children of the same country just because they belong to another people. Every day many human lives are destroyed because of political battles, but many more lives are extinguished in fights against peoples. It is terrible the state of affairs of the multilingual Caucasus, terrible the state of things in Easter Russia. Cursed, a thousand times hate among peoples be cursed!
When I was a child, at Byalistock, I watched in pain the mutual unfamiliarity which divided the natural offspring of the same land and city. And I dreamed that after a number of years everything would be different and better. Those years have already passed, but instead of my beautiful dreams, I saw a terrible truth: in the streets of my distressed birth city, men armed with axes and iron bars threw themselves like cruel animals against peaceful citizens whose only fault was speaking another language and have another religion, different from those in the cruel wild ones. That's why they broke the skull and poke their eyes out of women and children, useless old people and helpless children! I wouldn't like to tell you more details about the sick butchery in Byalistock; as esperantists I will tell you just that the walls among peoples are still high and thick, and we fight against those walls.
It is known that the Russian people is not to be blamed for that beastly massacre at Byalistock and many other cities, since the Russian people have never been cruel nor blood thirsty; it is known that Tartarians or Armenians are not responsible for the constant butchery, because both peoples are peaceful and do not wish to force their government upon anybody, and the only thing they want is to be left alone, living in peace. We know now clearly that the blame is on a group of depraved criminals who, by means of different and dishonest maneuvers, of widespread lies and artificial denigration they created hate among one people and the other. But, could the greatest lies and calumnies be believed if peoples knew one another well enough, if they were not separated by high and thick walls which prevented them from communicating freely and seeing that the members of other peoples are people exactly equal to our people, that their literature does not defend such horrible crimes, but they have the same ethics and the same ideals as we do? Break, break the walls among the walls, give them the ability to know one another and communicate freely by means of a neutral foundation, and only then those horrors which we can see in so many places could disappear!
We are not so naive as some believe us to be, to think that the neutral basement will turn men into angels, we know very well that evil men will stay evil; but we believe that communication and knowledge based on a neutral basement will keep at least the masses away from those atrocities and crimes which are not caused by evil will, but sheer ignorance and alien pressure.
Now, when in several places in the world the fight among peoples has
become so cruel, we, the esperantists, must work with more energy than
ever. But so that out work is fruitful, we must understand the inner idea of Esperanto. We all
refer to it often unconsciously in our speeches and books, but we have never
spoken about it clearly. It is high time that we speak clearly and precisely
about it.
From the declaration unanimously accepted at the Congress at Boulogne we
know what esperantism is in practice; from that declaration we also know
that esperantist is called every person who uses the language
Esperanto regardless the ends for which he or she uses it. Therefore,
esperantist is not only the person who uses Esperanto only and
exclusively for practical reasons, but it is also esperantists the one who uses
Esperanto to win money through it, esperantist is also the person who uses
Esperanto just for fun, Esperantist is even the person who uses Esperanto for
evil, hateful purposes. But besides the practical side, a must for everyone
and already proven at the declaration, the esperantism has also another side,
not compulsory, but much more important, the idealistic flank. This flank
can be explained in the degree and way most varied by the esperantists
themselves. To avoid conflict, the esperantists decided to leave everyone in
complete freedom to accept the inner idea of esperantism in the way and
degree which is desired in every case, or -if wished- even not accept this
idea at all for esperantism. To free the first esperantists from the
responsibility for facts or ideals of other esperantists, the Boulogne
Declaration defined the Essence of Official Esperantism, accepted without
hesitation by everybody, and these words were added: Any other hope or
reverie linked by any person to esperantism is his or her own private matter,
for which esperantism is not liable. But unfortunately the word
private was understood by some esperantist friends in its meaning of
forbidden, and in that way instead of preserving the idea of the inner
idea of Esperanto and the possibility of develop it, they wanted to kill it
If I have spent most of my life in great suffering and sacrifice, not reserving
for myself even the copy rights -did I do it because of any kind of practical
usefulness? If the first esperantists exposed themselves patiently not only to
mockery, but also to great inconvenience, and for example a poor teacher
suffered for a long time even hunger only to be able to save some money for
propaganda for Esperanto -did they do because of practical reasons? If
often people who were on the verge of death wrote to me stating that
Esperanto was the only comfort in their ending life, were they by any chance
doing it just for its practical usefulness? O, no, no, no! Everyone had in mind
the inner idea included in esperantism; they all liked Esperanto not
so much because it draws near the bodies, but because it also brings their
hearts together.
Do you remember how strongly we all were enthusiastic in Boulogne-sur-
Mer? All participants in that congress keep nicest and most enthusiastic
memory in their lives; everyone calls it the Unforgettable Congress:
What, then, made the participants in the congress so enthusiastic? Perhaps
the amusement in itself? No, everybody can have much better amusement on
their own, listen to theater plays and songs which are much better and which
are performed not by unskillful amateurs, but experienced professionals!
Were we moved by the talent of the speakers? No, we had none of them in
Boulogne. The fact that we understood one another? But at any national
congress we already understand one another with the same easiness, and
however we are not enthusiastic about that. No, you all know that we were
not excited by the amusements in themselves, nor the mutual understanding
in itself, nor the practical usefulness which Esperanto showed, but the inner
idea of esperantism, what we all were feeling inside our hearts. We all were
feeling that the walls among peoples started falling, we were feeling the
spirit of fraternity with all human kind. We realized that there is a long way
as far as the final disappearing of those walls, but we felt that the ghost of a
better future was flying before our eyes, a ghost still too blurry, but which
from now on will get more and more solid and powerful.
Yes, dear colleagues! To the world indifferent to Esperanto it may be just a
question of practical usefulness. Any one using Esperanto or working for it
is an esperantist, and any esperantist is entitled to see in Esperanto just a
single language, a dead tool for international understanding similar to the
navy flag code, even if it is more perfect. Those esperantists surely do not
come to our congresses, or if they do, they come with exploring purposes, to
get some practice or to discuss coolly purely linguistic questions, merely
academic ones, and will not participate in our joy or enthusiasm, which
probably will seem naive and childish to them. But esperantists who do not
belong to our goal from their heads, but from their hearts, those will always
feel and prefer about Esperanto, most than anything its inner idea; they will
not be afraid that the world calls them mockingly uthopians, and
nationalistic chauvinists even will attack their ideal as if it were a crime;
they will be proud of those name of utopians. Every new
L.L. Zamenhof
But we, who fight for Esperanto, have given the world, by our own will, the
full right to stare Esperanto only from its practical slant and use it just for
our usefulness, what -of course- entitles nobody to demand that we all
consider Esperanto just like a practical thing. Unfortunately in the last times
among esperantists appeared those voices who say: Esperanto is just a
language; elude link esperantism to any idea, even privately, because
otherwise we will annoy those people who do not like that other idea.
Oh, some words! For fear of annoying people who use Esperanto just for
practical things for themselves, we must yank out of our hearts the most
important part of esperantism, the most sacred, the idea which is the main
purpose and origin of Esperanto, the star which has guided us all, fighters
for Esperanto. Oh, no, never! With energetic protest I reject that demand. If
we, the first fighters for Esperanto, are forced to avoid in our deeds any
ideal, in anger we will burn everything which we have written in favor of
Esperanto, with pain we will do away with the works and sacrifices of our
whole life, we will throw away the green star which lies in our chests and
will shout with abomination: With that Esperanto which must
serve only commercial aims and practical utility we do not want to have
anything in common! It will come the time when Esperanto , once
possession of the whole human kind, will lose its quality of idealism; then it
will became just a language, will not be fought for, just a profit will be made
through it. But now, when nearly every esperantist are not yet helped by
Esperanto, but they must still help Esperanto, fight for it, we all are fully
conscient that our work for Esperanto makes us think not about its practical
usefulness, but the meaning the language has in itself the sacred and
important idea. This idea -you all feel it very well- is fraternity and
justice among all peoples. This idea has come with esperantism since the
very first moment of its birth till the present moment. It has induced the
creator of Esperanto when he was just a child, when twenty-two years ago a
reduced circle of school boys from several different peoples we celebrated
the first life sign of the future Esperanto, they sang together a song which
repeated after every stanza the words malamikeco de la nacioj, falu, falu,
jam estas tempo (hate of nations, fall, fall, fall, it is high time!). Our
anthem sings the new feeling which came to the world (nova
sento kiu venis en la mondon), every book, word and fact by the
originator and by the present esperantists always inspire with complete
visibility this same idea. We never hide our idea, we have never had the
ghost of a doubt about it, since we keep on talking about it, and we always
work hard about it. Why on earth, then, those people who see in Esperanto
just a language have joined us? Why were they not afraid that the
world would blame them for the serious crime, in the name of their wish, to
help the impending unity of mankind? Will they not see that their words are
hostile to their own feelings and that they are unconsciously dreaming of just
the same thing as we all are, though because of such an unfair fear of those
foolish attackers they have to deny it in pain?
congress will strengthen love for the inner idea of
esperantism in them, and little by little our yearly congresses will become
the Constant Party of Mankind and Human Fraternity.